My Granpa´s Ranch

My Grandfather's ranch was his most loved possesion. Since 6am to 9pm he made an infinite number of activities and labors there. My Grandpa was a very dedicated and worker man. He always talked to me about the importance of work in life. He didn’t care much about what you do, he just insisted on doing it the best you can. My Grandpa was a very funny Man, He always tried to make jokes with my cousins. Every time we went to the ranch, he showed us a cow having a baby, so that was the most impressive thing of the day.I really learned a lot of things about my grandpa, his commitment, his loyalty, and his mental strength are some of the values that I will keep the rest of my life.The ranch of my grandpa was his life and all the time he spent there was used wisely. Everyone in my family remember him as a hard worker, that everything he had was earned due to his dedication and not for another reason. Every night, he arrived home with a sack of oranges and 2 gallons of fresh milk.I remember when he said to my grandma “Marieel! Boil the milk and make some dinner for the kids please. I realy start to like that milk. It had a particular flavor, so when my mom decided to start buying normal milk from the supermarket, it took me a while to get used to it.
Even though I could spent much time with him as I wished to, every time he was with each one of us made us feel special and important, and I think that was the most important thing of all.

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