Three Day´s Sleep

Such a smal frame and body unlike mine.
smal and adorable, yet so adult unlike her hight,
a cute face and a body to make most men have a sever nosebleed.
i find my self staring into her beautyfull aperance for what felt like ages and only moments.
so shocked of this whole situation i didnot even feal the blanket over us.
this moment forever inprinted into my mind, a beauty so close to me, our skin meeting one another.
i realise just where my hands have drifted. and the inproer way i have been acting, my heart pounding so hard.
i cannot belive what happens when i wuld move.
i have to seen, spoken or been close to a woman for so long.
5 years since i feelt another persons skin to mine like this.
trying to remain calm is an impsibility.
fighting my desires and urges to do what i want more then alost anything else.
i hear footsteps comming this way. so i force my self to pretend to sleep.
one moment faster then the one who ripes of the blankets over me.
a nurse, she shakes on the girl ontop of me.
furyusly awakening her.
scolding her for doing what she did.
speaking of her not sleeping enogh becouse she refised to leave my side and even sleep next to my bed, holding onto my hand.
dumbfound i pretend to sleep.
only to fall asleap, for all the exitment tired me enough to knock me out.
-: Gabe´Riel D. Wolfengard

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Her Age is Eightteen 18, for those that dont know you ar enot an adult until 20 in japan. me? im 20 years old. ( Part ten )

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