Death´s Dorstep

My Body so light, never befor have i felt something like that.
not even the times i have died befor, i never found myself light nor painless.
Warm, but not burning like everytime befor.
is this becouse of the loss of blood?
no its soft and warm, something so close to my skin.
something smooth, i can move my arms?
my eyes wont open, slowly with my finger tips i feal that witch is ontop of me.
the softest texture i have ever felt, something above it.
and something around me as if im wraped into something.
i canot fantom what this is, so close to me.
My entire body full of butterflyes and the ecstasy my body makes is unfantomable.
my hands move trying to fantom this that is on me.
one hand closer to my head i feal somethinf as smooth as silk.
the other lover fealing something softer and curved.
something my mind tingels over something i know but long forgoten.
hard yet soft, sorter then me.
it smells so good, smells like the flowers around my house.
my hands fealing and my mind slowly grasing my wake.
my right hand fealing this soft curvs i sudenly hear something sounding like a womans voice.
Saying a soft but suprisingly smal "Kyaa".
this moment reality slaps me in the face, as i finaly manage to opens my eyes.
i see a girl sleeping ontop of me holding tightly onto my chest.
the girl i saved? she is so close to me!
i finnaly se her face, it is absolutly Beautyfull.
-: Gabe´Riel D. Wolfengard

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A Suprising Encounter ( Part Eight )

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