My Way

I Move My legs in ways i have not for Years i run thru the Knee deap mud like there was nothing in my way.
i Force my self to use that what i have not used in far to meny years.
my muscles starting to tear and break.
My Bones starting to crack becouse of the pressure of my fullbody Overlimit.
my whole body going Numb, and my head blanker then normal.
i push froward never yelding need to save this one life.
i climb the Iron plated Ruins cuting my hand and feat to shreds.
i firmly grip her tightly.
rushing the final leght to wards the the tents whom carry the red cross.
i am spoted by the people whom see my blood drenshed form, they think me a youkai*.
i run into the tents filled with people dying and screeming with agony.
i muster my final unce of strength and screem for them to save this girl.
knowing i am to die for useing the one thing i my self forbid people from using.
icolapse to my knees lossing my last waking moment.
-: Gabe´Riel D. Wolfengard

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Overlimit ( part Eight )
* Youkai Evil Spirit / Monster

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