The Path In Front Of My Way

For three whole days i have walked down my path.
i walk down and i still smell the stench of destruction and the tingeling in my skin.
i still live even if i was there to see it all.
i saw everything once again in front of my eyes be destroyed and taken away from so meny people.
i stand for one moment here and cry my heart out, until my legs give in.
I fall to the ground and shake in wrath mixed eith bitter sweet sorrow.
the sweet tast of death and the sorrow that all others die and not me.
wrath that i culd not save a singel soul or child in the town bellow.
i grab the skin in front of my heart and bite my lip as in force myself on to my feet.
i cannot remain calm, i run with all my might down thru all these woods, rock and clifs.
i reach the ruins left of the house´s, filled with the memories of the people whom once lived here.
fealing sick to my gut i stumble backover, the child of one young girl.
This girl, i sit stupifide unable to even breath.
i choke on my own wish to die, i hate the sad trith that humans only properly learn of the extreams.
my wish to die fading away like it was never there.
i reach over to the childs face half burried in the mud.
she still Lives, i strike my fists thru the mud draging her out, with might i thought long gone.
I Rise up with a face i have never made. The Face Set on one thing, TO SAVE HER!
i turn to the one way i know there are is the chance to save her.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my first time seeing the destruction of what hapened ( Part Seven )

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