The Jaguar Woman and the Green Man

The Jaguar Woman arches her torso toward the warmth, her eyes intent on the blue of the sky.

A moment of quiet folds into the rustle of the breeze, a devious sparkle in her eyes.

‘ooaagh, roohs’ she says to the Green Man, who uncoils and lies still.

‘roi, looiy, coy’ he responds, looking into the sun.

Bounding back, and up to the rock shelf, her intentions become apparent, and he maneuvers to avoid her second leap.

Landing and looking, her breath tight and varied, she shows her teeth and sniffs the air,

sensing the scent of her effort.

She slowly lies on him, folding within him, a perfect negative.

Seeing each other’s souls; they felt one another’s power, and enjoined in a mutual,

ceremonious gaze.

‘Osoi, soi, foll’ she said, saying what needed to be said.

He prayed with the Great Spirit, knowledge flowed, a gift of depth and color, and a blessing.

He stood, and with a gesture, proclaimed all things good.

She shifted to the cliff as a bird floated near, a vision of grace and light gave her throat

a peal of beauty, her heart sang to the land.

He reclaimed his repose, on the warm stone in the sun, and, with her, smiled.

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