Is it worth it?

I am not looking for reasons 

not to be your friend

I’m just not willing to fight the demons…

to be seen as someone who betrayed… 


When I didn’t.. because I wouldn’t… 


It’s because I cherish you and I deeply care

And I would never! Never cause you hurt… 

But assumptions in someone’s head.. are out of compare 

Out of control.. full of despair! 


When you don’t know, you fill the gaps without question 

When you don’t know… you assume the worst

When you don’t know, you eat your soul without hesitation

When you don’t you.. piece by piece… your heart breaks… 


I was betrayed and I know.. 

the thoughts keep running, it never stops

It’s an ocean of agony, self doubt 

and tears that drop

It’s feeling unworthy, 

it’s “ am I not good enough?” 


And I know our friendships is so pure.. 

but it can’t be pure if it’s a secret 

You were my stud, you were my cure 

but for your sake I must admit it.. 

put the losses to compare… 

I lose a friend… that; I can’t bare… 

But you lose a friend, a life and you destroy your haven… 

So tell me friend… is it worth it! 





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