A cobweb


I started to lose sense of reality 

I rush out of my thoughts, from that gigantic web I’ve created in my head to complicate my mind even further…

scribbles, notes, a whirlpool swallowing every sensible thought that i have. 

The blood rushes through my veins and stumbles with my broken heartbeats.. 

such a tight space for a great deal of sorrow.. fury and pain.. 

choking my veins.. 

sadness collided within me.. 

the chambers petrified.. 

the arch stiffed.. 

a hollow muscle that pumped positivity all around me is now pumping dread and trepidation… 


I start to lose sense of stability

I rush into a dream, to that hefty landscape I’ve imagined would hopelessly cure my reality.. 

my helpless dream turns into a nightmare.. haunting me for what I’ve endured.. 

blaming me for suffering my intense pain… 

the spring turns to winter.. 

the thunder strikes me, the rain drowns me, the lightning blinds me… 

a haven that protects me from all this madness inside of me is now turning into a swamp that strafes me… 

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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