Pain Pain go away

Pain pain go away
If it is all over than why do you stay?
I once was blind but now I see
All the wicked torture you did to me!!!
Users abusers now who's the accuser?
Always someone to blame
Never taking responsibility for your own shame
Come what may but remember this
I see the target and I don't miss!
In this life you reap what you sow
I wonder how much emotions you owe?
Liar liar pants on fire
your the one who left your jeans in the dryer!
your no longer in my head
All that was is now DEAD
What I thought was the truth
you made into a lie
What more did you want
but an unexpected GOODBYE!!!!!
I got the last laugh the jokes on you!
& What's even more funny you haven't got a clue!
Time is a healer
I am a firm believer
What goes around comes around
I can just hear the sound
As it plays
No more delays
you dug your own grave
I hope it was worth all the deceit that you paved
You made your bed
now You lay in it
Bridges were burned and now it's ur turn
imma go ahead and let it burn!
Manipulation affirmation
sound doctrine
Save your words cause talk is cheap!
There's more important things than hearing you speak!!!
your not half the man you think you are
save your words because you've gone too far
I am a fighter I ain't gone stop
There is NO turning back
I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Who do you think you are?

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