The night I learned how to live


After I got in the car I layed my head to rest looking outside the window at nature thinking about how beautiful it was.  It was so good to see spring back after the long winter and I was happy to look at how green the grass was.  Dispatch music made it's way to my ears and I listened to them knowing every song by them that came on.  I wasn't feeling well because I had a really bad cold and I wasn't exactly thrilled to be going with my friend to Mohawk Valley Choir practice but I had promised her I would go with her so I kept my promise even though I would of rather been home sleeping.  It wasn't like I was going to be able to sing anyway I had no voice and was way too sick.  After a half an hour of driving we arrived to practice.  I took a seat next to her and rehearsal started almost immediately.  I have to admit it was nice to be with a choir again since I hadn't been in a choir for almost a year, my senior year of high school was the last choir I had been in but my college didn't have a choir so it had been a while. It was also nice to be in a choir with guys because for the last two years of high school I had been in all girl's choir which I hadn't particually liked because I always thought choirs sounded a lot better when there were guys in it.  While the choir rehearsed I stood and followed along with the music, knowing a lot of the songs they were singing especially from Les Mirables and Phantom of the Opera.  During the reahearsal I saw something that inspired me in ways I can't even begin to describe.  There was an old woman standing in front of us probably either in her 60's or 70's and she was dancing around to the music having the time of her life.  I saw her smile and the way she was dancing and singing and I was in awe, I was so amazed.  I don't think there was a person in the choir enjoying it more than her, she was laughing and she was making the most out of the music and to me what she was doing while she was singing just showed the kind of person she was and the way she felt about life.  She is living it up, she is making the most out of life, she is enjoying life.  She dances through life, laughing and having fun.  Without even meeting this lady directly she has inspired me and taught me something about life.  She has taught me to live life to enjoy it, to make the most out of it, dance through life as if it were a song, a celebration.  This was the night I learned how to live, I will never forget what that lady taught me.

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