FABLE.. The beginning of the end. by Felizardo Amparano and Gabriel Celaya

The beginning of the end..

The sun came up that morning over an Earth that was devastated. All of the buildings had crumbled to the ground, all the lakes , rivers and oceans had dried up, and all the people were gone. The sky was dark and there was no wind, The trees were dry and everything was dead.On a lonely flat, endless plain you could see a lone horse walking in the distance. The horse walked over hard sand and dirt. Also in the distance, far away from the horse, there was a lone Saint Bernard dog walking in the distance. The dog was injured and limped. The horse and the dog approached each other.

What happened to you? Are you hurt badly? Asked the horse.

The dog said, “what happened to everything, where is everyone I was knocked out and fell unconscious.

The horse answered:
“Long time ago the Great Fairy of Earth created and gave every specie a land to farm and work so everyone could have their own food and resources.
The horses, the dogs, squirrels, birds, rabbits and the rest of the animals worked together hard every day to build a community temple where they can storage food for everyone and have enough supplies to survive from the natural disaster or change of seasons. The Dogs were the guardians of the temple and they watch over the food, everything seems perfect until one day the world started to divide in two groups that’s when all of the problems arrived.
The other group of animals started to separate and create another temple with their own resources and food. This group were formed by wolfs, coyotes, snakes and crocodiles they lived in exile from the other animals. The other species were very mad at them and very disappointed because they didn’t want to work together, but this group didn’t care. They started to create a conspiracy against the other temple because they had a lot of resources and food that they also want. The snakes were the leaders of this group and they were the ones in charge of this whole war against the others, they have the ability to persuade the other animals and ask them to do what they want to. The war took place during the night the wolfs, coyotes and snakes sneak around and started to steal everything they could.
The next morning the animals realize what had happened and build an army, this was the beginning of the end both groups of animal started to kill each other and a few survivors scattered around different places. The great fairy of earth realizing what had happened punish them and took away every possible resources from earth and disappear forever. And that’s how the end of the world started, only a few survivors trying to stay alive”… said the horse.

“I see.. Now my memorie is slowly coming back.” said dog..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is another class assigment we needed to write a fable about the end of the world. Hope you like it..!

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