
Wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head

I know that i've got issues

But I've been working the out

Sorry it took me so long

I swear I'm not the person

That you once knew

I am still me but better

I don't expect you to understand but please come here

And take my hand

I know this hasn't gone quite as planned

I'm sorry

I love you

I know that I have done wrong.

I accept that, but you need to accept your faults.

So we can move on together.

We've both done wrong

I forgive you

I want you to forgive me

I don't expect you to forget

But I need to hold on

What else is there to suggest

I'm not going to let you go

Not without a fight

Your the best thing that happened to me

Yeah that's right

I know that I prioritise differently

It's just the way I am

But I swear I'll prioritise differently

I'll put you first

Each and every time.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm just asking for another chance

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