I (do not Exist)

I (do not Exist)

I am a not or a euphemism, and it’s cold
out, so Negation keeps me warm throughout
the night. (...) There’s a rebellion against
rebellion against rebellion. Why? (...)


A shoe grows a foot of its own. (...) Who
cares? I care. (...) You care?

Am I a copy of a copy of a copy? (...)


Horses have 6 legs. Feel free to plagiarize.
(...) I dig holes so that I can fall into them.


I do enjoy a hangover once in a while, but
cringe at the thought of having a drink.


"Who do you think you are?" (...) I shake
hands with No.

Suicide is too easy. I’d rather be your personal


Just kidding. (...) Nevermind. (...) "Are you
angry at me?"
(...) Me too. (Me three.)

"What are you running from?" inquires a


I disagree (No, I agree. No....) (...) But there
lacks a punchline, delivery, or a theory.


Come on now.

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