Men are Under Attack

Racism is the dumbest thing ever,

there is no racial loyality,

every one fucks every one

over white or black


There is no gender loyality,

men fuck other men over,

for women


Overall, we are all alone,

these colors we wear mean nothing,

gender is the real war,


But men will not band together,

because they only give a fuck about themselves,

and so the collectivists will continue to corrall us

because we do not stand up for ourselves, because

we think we are free.


Race is inconsequential in this post modern age,

there is no better race, but there is still discriminaton

all the time, because fools would like to believe that

someone has to pay for their suffering


Overall, men, white, black, hispanic, asian

are under attack by a globalist feminine system

that seeks undermine what it means to be a man

and to make us all slaves to gynocentrism


Women are not victims and are not controlled by men

they clandestinely rule us through the system they

have set up and continue to attack us saying they are "oppressed"

when it is we: men who are being targeted.



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