Man Power

A liar she will steal your soul,

spit you out, a taste no longer pleasant,

she will leave,

"behold the flesh and the power it holds" 


Your feelings worthless,

she only cares about herself,

men are trash,


So why I am whining about it?

the truth is the truth,

accept it and move on,


Do not be an accessory to her lies,

be a man and don't get fooled,

stay away from love,

stay away from the lie,


Men deserve respect,

we are tired of being treated like objects,

like piggy banks, like sex tanks,


I stand for every man who has been abandoned,

who have been told the lie of love,

We must stand up for ourselves,

or women will continue to use us,

we must stand up for ourselves,

and stop being emotionally raped,


"A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"behold the flesh and the power it holds", a line from the song "Flesh and The Power It Holds" by Death. "


"A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys" is one of the main quotes from Bioshock, which I have used as my mantra in my daily life, which also I feel ties into men's rights and the MGTOW movement. 

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