Language creates Reality. An Image is a word. Nothing is really Everything.

Everything image,

light, projected,

nothing really there,

mostly space,

we fill it with the imagination,


Because nothing is boring,

we wish it was different,

and we project that difference

on to nothing,


We simulated ourselves,

perpetuate ourselves,

pretend ourselves,

ourselves are dreams,


We are not real,

we are imaginary,

if we were real,

we would not be imaginary,

because the image cannot

be truly touched, there is always

a space in between the subject and object,

there is always a disparity between what

is percieved and what percieves,


The self is symbolic,

because it means nothing behind the meaning,

behind that is chaos, which is scary to us;

we want order, a symbol gives order, because it gives

meaning to the chaos,


take away the all of your parts, all your cells, and

what to do you become?


You do not evolve,

we do not evolve,

we simulate change,

but there is no change,


Change is a symbol,

meaning that we think things ought to change,

change is a belief,

everything is really the same,

everything is really nothing,


Because we use symbols to make things real,

we simulate a prison for our minds,

we are trapped in language,


We always want order,

symbols ground and confine disorder,

symbols control crime,

symbols control morality,

symbols control love,

symbols control emotion,

it is code, it programs, it primes,


Because the symbols are code,

what that means is they do not

exist outside themselves,

in themselves only do they have reality,


You can draw an image on a piece of paper,

but outside the paper, the image does not exist,

likewise, outside are minds, these symbols that

code for what we believe to be real do not exist.


Because reality is a symbol, an idea, a concept,

outside it there is no real reality, reality only exists

if you believe it does. if you believe in the power of the symbol,

which you have constructed in your very mind,

then reality exists.






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