The Advice That You Gave

I sat on the floor, broken and defeated

All of my energy, lost and depleted

At this low level I  searched for relief

A way to extinguish the pain of the grief

Once long ago, you were walking my way

So I went up to you to see what you'd say

You told me your thoughts, I sat with a frown

Explaining that feeling of tumbling down

That sickening lurch that tugged at your soul

The belief that somehow you'd never feel whole

But the next thing you said, I expected to hear

I had known how you coped, that much was quite clear

Despite your beliefs that God wasn't real

Religion had gave you the power to heal

You started believing that there was much more

This feeling had helped you to open the door

You poured out your heart, through song and a prayer

And showed her just truly how much you cared

Im glad to say your story has a happy ending

Though mine remains to be seen so I guess it's still pending

One thing that you said that truly helps me to mend

Was: "I never want to feel this way again"

You told yourself that when you were caught in a wave

So thank you, my brother, for the advice that you gave

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