Fable: The persistent cheetah

The persistent cheetah




It was an extremely hot day, the sunlight entered through the leaves of the tree, with much more intensity than in an ordinary day. The heat of the sunlight caused the cheetah to woke up, in an instant he realized that no one was near him. The cheetah sensed that something was wrong, he ran fast through the valley, but there was no valley left, all the water evaporated, in the extremely hot climate he ran to the top of a mountain, in his way to the top he heard the suffering of other animals he could see some giraffes falling because they were very dehydrated.

The ground started to break apart making fissures, all the animals in the Savanna were falling to their deaths, chaos was spread through all the valley. As the cheetah kept running to the top he saw a flock of birds and asked them what was going on as some of the birds felt to their deaths because of the extreme heat, then one of the birds said to the cheetah that the end was happening and that there was nothing he could do to stop it.

That being said the cheetah stopped and looked back to the see how earth was being destroyed by supernatural forces. He taught of why this was the end of the world he didn’t get it. He saw how little species were hopeless to survive and as the chaos continued he tried to help other species even the animals he always hunted down to kill, the antelopes and wildebeests, but they refused the help of the cheetah, the cheetah understood why they didn’t want his help so he followed his path.

He then encountered with some lions that were in the top of a tree. One lion asked the cheetah that why he was running so fast, the cheetah replied that the end of the world was happening so he needed to go to the top of the mountain. And then the lion said to the cheetah that even in the top he could not survive. But he didn’t care and kept running.


In his attempts to help others, he realized he could not even help himself, he was powerless against all the destruction that was happening in the world but he set his final goal to reach the top, he was struggling a lot because of the heat but when he finally reached the top he just vanished and as he closed his eyes, feeling the heat in his paws the end of the world happened.

Prose made in colaboration of Edgar Maldonado.

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