sideways knife

if i push the knife in sideways,

will it kill off all the pain?

can i leave in quiet stillness

or will i have dies in vain?

i cant tell now the future,

or all the hurt it holds.

what i want is to be different

not to be shoved into a mold.

the separtaino inside me is growing

it is eating away my whole life.

that is the reason i am sitting here

in my posession, but a knife.

i cant tell anyone my secrets

theyd all think ive gone insane.

i wonder what exactly will happen

as i hold the blade near my vein

down my arm runsa dark red river

past my elbow to the floor.

then my little river of blood

runs right over to the door.

it doesnt run outside, into the hall.

for that would be to obvious,

and for the viewing of all

instead it sits in a puddle

neatly in the way

so no one knows but those who care

that i have gone away.

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