the way i love you

im sitting, i know you can see me. im talking, i know you can hear me. i can see you and you are loking, not at me, but through me. you may know how it feels, but my best bet is to think you dont. you cant. you dont love me the way i love you. i love you more than you could possibly know. you have no idea how deep it goes. i see you and you look at the walls and hotter girls behind me. i dont see how you can not catch the obvious signs that i am completely overwhelmed with you and i live each day to see you, to try and get your love. i go to sleep each night thinking of you, knowing i will see you tomorrow. i think about what i would do if you hadnt come into my life, if i were still alone, almost as alone as i am now, jsut without the false security that you'll always be there. i should know. you wont ever be there. you never were there. and you arent now. why do i care so much? why dont you?

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