how could you, how could i...

you tried to take it.
you tried to steal it.
you tried, but you failed.

i should've known,
that you were going to do that.
i should've know,
by the way your hands felt on me,
that you weren't honest.
i should've known,
that you were just using me,
but i was naive.

you made me feel so stupid!
how the hell did i let you get
away with that? how could i?
how could YOU.
you merely got up, and left me broken
right there on the bench,
never to play the game again.

you've ruined me.
i'm scarred.
it's your fault.
but mine as well,
for being so

i can't believe you,
or myself.
The way your hands touched-
i knew it wasn't right,
but i let it happen anyway.
and i shouldn't have.

you tried to steal my V-Card,
and run away and take someone
else's too.
but you failed,
and i have too-
for i am yet to have
caught you.

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