Embracement of Ebony Nights

Entraced by your demonic beauty,

As your touch skips my heart,

Bleeding where the skin becomes torn,

Embracing this ebony night,

As the sky cries it's blackened void,

The red moon of cold September,

The autumn wind of fever,

Beauty of this portrait of death,

As the red roses form the devil's eye,

This conversion of faith,

While it leads truth astray,

Viewing the fantasies of God,

That mortal man can't hold,

As this twilight begins to fade,

Majestic sunrise falling on this plane,

Breathless as I watch you form,

The fire in you eyes rekindles my soul,

As we embrace this reckogning,

Caressing each other in ecstacy,

As romance replaces our sorrow,

In death and love we live for eternity,

Never letting go of our memories,

This love that's everlasting,

This sin that's eternal youth.

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