The Story


   Sitting there beside himself, with his cigarette and bottle of booze, he reflected on the past he strived to forget.  Resting upon his porch, as he took another drag from his cigarette, Jack wondered where he went wrong in life. As he dazed out into the distance he felt a touch on his shoulder.

   Looking back to see who it was; he suddenly appeared back in his home town of Minot, North Dakota.  

   "Irony," he thought, looking into the eyes of his lost love. Wishing that she was still with him to this day...

   "If only I would have been with her when it happened... maybe life would still be worth living," he continued to say as he smiled lovingly to her.  Knowing that all of this was his imagination at work (since a day never went by where he was thinking over what he would have said to her, if he had known it would have been the last time he ever saw his love, Christie, alive again and still had no idea what to do), he went with the flow of this day dream.

   Remembering the elegant, shimmering red dress that she had been wearing that day. Showing off her beautiful, hour-glass figure (which she usually hid from the rest of the world). But he was different, he was and still is the one man she loved the most.

   "What are you thinking about?" She asked him rhetorically.

   "Just admiring your perkiness." He responded, almost in tears.

   "Are you ok?"

   "I'm fine, really I am"

   "I knew that already, hunn." She responded with a grin.

   He never agreed with her in that aspect of his figure. But then again, he was the type (and still is) to put himself down for any compliment that may or may not be true.  He thought he could afford to be in better shape, but as the curse of all men, was too lazy for that.

   The reason behind the dress was that her company was having a celebration of receiving a new, high paying client that wished to fund their clothing business as long as he had joint-custody of the company.  Everyone was a little leery about it, but really needed the help, so deals were made-out by Jack's wife-since she was a hardball player when it came to the game of legal agreements- and convinced him to hold half the shares but not be able to draw them, unless the company went under.  That way he couldn't sell out if he felt the company was going to fail, and leave them hanging with very few funds to keep running.

   Jack, though eagerly wanting to go, had to work double shifts in his job; which he never talked about to Christie, and never told him exactly what he did. So, before she left for her celebration, he hugged her tightly and was about to kiss her, when suddenly the mail-woman touched his shoulder.

   "Sir, are you all right?"


   "Yes ma'm, I'm ok," he said, wiping the stream of tears from his face.


   "Well, I'll take your word for it. Here's your mail sir."


   "Why must everything be so expensive?" He wondered as he flipped through his bills, trying to figure out what else had to be done today.  Remembering suddenly he had to be to work five minutes ago.


    "Well, shit." He thought as he ran into the house to get his keys and shoes on. Placing his bills on the old coffee table, which he had kept through all the years from his childhood household. The only thing his family never threw away after the event that took place one day... but that is a different story.


    "You're late again, Jack." A voice uttered from behind him. Jack turned around to see his life-long friend that helped pull him out of the depressing hole that Jack buried himself into all those years ago.

    "Come on Jason, like you didn't see it coming. You should know me better than that." Jack said to him with a smirk.

    "Yeah, you're right about that.  Say, did you happen to catch the news this morning?"


    "No, I seemed to have missed it." After his response, Jason sniffed the air and handed a piece of gum to Jack.  Having smelled the vodka on his breath, Jason figured out why he was late, but didn't mention a word of it.  He knew it was still painful for Jack to forget something that painful.

    "Would most people be able to live through a travesty such as that?" pondered Jason, as Jack put the piece of gum in his mouth. Still, with all Jason and Jack had been through, Jason still felt it was a mystery of how Jack ever managed to make it to work.

    Jack loved to drink, even though his last name was different; it is easy tell what his favorite liquor is.  Being blacked-out helped to make the long days fade away from his mind.  Even if he did remember the days, his mind is almost always clouded from the grayness of hangover syndrome. Though his job required being in a keen sense of mind, Jack ignored the rules these past few years.  At risk of losing his current "authority", he became a loose cannon as of late.  Yet no one ever questioned his methods, since he always got the job done not only well, but better than most people who expect it to be executed.

   "The captain called for you, by the way" Jason finally said after the few seconds of dead silence. "Said you needed to go to the target practice room, you're due for your firing requirements again."

   "Already? I thought I did that last week?" Jack protested.

   "Try three months ago; you're way over due for one"

   "Well, I'm off then, I will talk to you later, Jason."

   "Sooner than you think Jack, we might need you after the incident that occurred today."

   "Oh great, see ya in the briefing room then."

   "Later," Jason said as he walked off to get suited up in the locker room.  Putting on his gear before meetings was his thing, always prepared for any situation. Nothing, however, could prepare him and the rest of his unit for what roads they were to embark upon for this mission.


   "Another year, another clueless Captain," thought Jack as he blew away the first target (a Desert Eagle .50 Caliber doesn't leave much of a target ever). Dead on as usual, even if headshots are illegal... if intentional. It seems every year; the department must replace the captain they previously had, since no one upstairs ever had the bright idea of promoting anyone.  Since they loved the idea of hiring someone from "the academy" so they wouldn't lose their veterans like Jack, Jason, and Cyber.  Cyber was the group’s nickname for Stevens, who was their computer wiz.  Disarming bombs, reprogramming security measures, fixing the blinking light on a VCR, nothing was out of his power.  Although he preferred his handle name, Kirozaki, they still rather call him Cyber for two reasons:

   One, it is easier to pronounce correctly.

   Two, none of the others hacked, nor played extensive amounts of video games.  

   Nothing wrong with it in their minds though, everyone needs an outlet.  Plus it wasn't as though he had the "nerd image" going, since he mainly attracted all the women. Best looking man on the squad in the women’s' opinion. Which most of them were fine with, since many are married or are not looking for anything to hold them down.

   But the main reasoning behind Jack's hate for the captains that came in was lack of leadership or had no clue how to lead properly.  Since each year the new captain was either killed or had too many men killed for failure to lead the men.

In combat, two things will get you killed:

   The number one would not be following orders.  If rank is broken in a dire situation, it will cause confusion, which in battle is one of a soldier’s worst enemies.  Confusion is poison, which will slowly kill everyone of your squad off.

   Another thing that will get you killed is poor choice in tactics for the situation.  Jack knew this one all to well.  He wore the dog tags of the men and women that have fallen in the past 5 years.  23 kids, cut down from wrongfully issued orders, poor choices, and lack of rational thinking under fire.  

   Being part of a practically knew assault force, made to deal with extreme domestic disturbances in this world, along with anything else that was asked of this highly trained tactical unit (that belonged to the feds).  Usually its just locals causing a problem, or something the "government" needs covered up.  In this case, with the tone of how Jason said the incident, made him uneasy.  The way he expressed it seemed more worried some than he usually did for local problems... he wondered how many dog tags he would have to add after today.


  "Listen up team, pipe down!" The Captain, Edward, had shouted over the chattering team.  Everyone fell silent, already not liking their new captain for his rude interruption of the latest gossip about what was seen in the news.  Though all had their theories of what or who the killer was, they were about to find out the hard way.

  "Now that I have all of your attentions," he began. "We have been assigned to a location of where we believe the killer of the latest development might still be." The captain, now looking directly at Jack, glaring slightly (since the captain knew that Jack hated him, nothing personal though). "For those of you who don't follow the news, an insane killer has taken refuge inside of a Clothing of Tomorrow store." This caught Jack's attention, and everyone knew why.  This was the company his late wife had help build from the ground.

  "We are not sure why this location was picked, but from details from our fellow government workers (Feds) have described to us, it is a complete, chaotic bloodbath.  We are being sent in during the night to the roof, from there, we will work our way to the 5th floor.  This is where you come in Cyber."

  "As usual," Jack started to say. "You get all of the easy work while the rest of us cover your ass." Laughter filled the room, even the captain chuckled about.

  "Alright, knock it off. It's all fun and games until we have a man down."  Everyone went serious. "Unlike your previous captains, I don't believe that any loss of a team member is acceptable.  Don't misunderstand me, I may not agree with it, but it is inevitable to happen." Holding out the dog tags he wears around his neck for the room to see. "I have lost 40 under my command, in 20 years time.  I'm hoping not to add any while I am here."

  The statement made struck home for everyone, even Jack was impressed.  Considering in five years they have lost over half of what this man before them had lost in 10 years.  Yet in these factors, a lot of men and women would lose their lives tonight.  

  "Before we go out on this mission, we will be using all three squads." That also got everyone's attention.  Never in the five years, had all three teams needed to go on an assignment.  Even the veterans look a little nervous, but what can you do when you get a thousand dollar paycheck every week?  

  "Each team will be under separate leaders.  Team one will be under my authority. Team two will be lead by Jason McConnel. And Team three will be run by our guest that is coming along.  He should be here soon."

  Just as Captain Edward finished his statement, a man in about his mid-thirties, wearing a plain blue suit, carrying a black briefcase opened the door to the briefing room. G-man was written all over his face.  His low cut black hair and pasty complexion were also clues that he didn't get out much, Jack felt sorry for team three, especially Cyber.

  "Well, well, well, great timing. You've missed most of the briefing." The G-man paid no mind to him.  He whispered into the Captain's ear and took the front stage, while the Captain sat down with the rest of the men.

  "Since this is a military problem and a government problem... don't even bother asking sir." One of the new rookies put his hand down in the back. "I am in charge of this operation.  I'm sure your Captain has informed you of the team leaders, and you all know by now which team you are on, I will not burden you with such small talk."

  "A man that loves the sound of his own voice," thought Jason.

  "I will inform you, however, of what objectives each team will take.  For starters: Team one will move into their objective floor, the sixth floor. You will check all the rooms on the eighth, seventh, and sixth floor.  Do not fret, however, there are few rooms, considering those are basic attic rooms."

  "Oh there's some comfort," thought Jack. "This guy obviously has never seen a horror movie, let alone read one before. Killers hide in dark areas, what is darker than an attic or basement?" The lecture continued.

  "Team two will secure the fifth floor, until Team 3 arrives, then will proceed to the fourth floor, and await further orders.

  "Team three will move to the fifth floor, when it is called in secure.  There my engineer and/or computer maintenance unit will re-enable the lights, so we may flush out this heinous murderer.

  "All teams please take notice that this killer is not to be trifled with. Your orders are to kill him and any survivors on sight."  Everyone in the room went red from anger.  Not from having to kill a man that has killed, but killing innocent people was another thing.  But then again, what is an "innocent" person these days?  Before stepping out of the room after the briefing the G-man turned around and looked back to the men.

  "Anyone who disobeys my orders will be executed on the spot."


  Since the exercise wasn't scheduled until dark, and since it was only 10:00 AM, the teams had time to kill.  The only circumstance was they were not allowed to leave the building, nor imbibe alcohol.  They had to be fresh in mind and in strength, and since they were not permitted to leave (in case of accident or injury), the building offered a lounge room and shower area, just in case.  

  As Jack went into the shower room, placing his towel wherever it fell, he headed to the first nozzle he saw.  Turning it on just to the point between boiling and scorching the flesh off of the bone, he was gently touched on the shoulder again.  Looking back to be staring at his lost love once more.

  "Well, I'm off to the party; I will see you when you get off of work." She said half smiling, wishing he was able to join her.

  "I'll see you later, my love," he said, still trying not to cry his bleeding heart out. She entered her car, leaving for her business.  He went backside his mind, fast forwarding in time to when he received his call.

  "This is Sgt. Jack, what's the problem?" He announced his cell phone this way with every call, since his work usually called him personally.

  "Jack, we have a situation. In afraid I have bad news."

  "What's the problem sir?"

  "We received orders to move into a party that had been pipe bombed to assess damages and help out the wounded.  It was near a local bar, close to the Clothing of Tomorrow store.  I'm afraid that your wife was badly hurt in the explosion."

  Jack's complexion went ghost white.


  "Is she going to make it?!  I can be there as soon as I can!  Have you found the criminals for this crime?!" Jack was frantic, every memory, every event, every sensation him and Christie had ever felt ran through his mind.  Tearing up his soul and heart, like shrapnel was ricocheting through his entire body.

  "We found those responsible... well, what’s left of them.  They blew up when the bomb went off.  Apparently, they didn’t think of running from it, they were right next to the explosion. All that's left of them are guts and teeth."

  "Captain Thomas (the captain at the time), you never answered about my wife." Jack stated; the emotional tension was crushing his very breathing. A dead silence fell over the phone. He knew his world was about to be removed from beneath him.

  "I'm sorry Jack, she lost too much blood and they can’t stop the internal bleeding in time.  She's too far gone to be brought back." Jack sobbed on the other side of the phone quietly, trying not to lose his mind completely.  He began to fall from his heaven, crashing into the fireie inferno that is reality.  

  "A couple of kids... and my life is destroyed quicker than life itself" he thought as he snapped back to reality.  How much he wishes he had his private stash of booze in his locker still.  Drinking was Jack's way of not dealing with it, but he knew one day he would have to face it.  He decided it was best to put off for a while longer.

  Turning off the shower and picking up his towel, he began to suit up for the night that lay ahead.  He debated whether or not to wear his flak vest.  Just before his decision, one of the new female rookies, Angela, walked into the changing room. Jack quickly pulled up his pants.

  "Oh, terribly sorry about that, sir." She said, blushing slightly from what she saw. Jack shrugged.

  "It happens. What can I do for ya?"

  "I'm a little nervous about the upcoming mission, do you have any words of advice I could use?" Jack stroked his goatee.

  "Well, watch your ass if you become separated, and watch your squad's ass while you're with them.  Also-" before Jack could finish, the newbie put her arms around his neck and began to kiss him slowly.  Before too long, he pushed her gently off of him. "Hey now," Jack said, "I'm not looking to gave That kind of advice."

  "Sorry, sir.  I don't know what came over me," she lied.

  "Well, don't let it happen again, ok?"

  "Yes, sir." She said after saluting him, and turned around and left him in the changing room.  Jack picked up what was left of his gear and dawned it on, making his way to the lounge room.  Looking at the clock he counted back the hours.

  "Ten hours left," he thought to himself, "just ten more hours."


  As everyone in the break room waited for their time, they kept entertained by watching movies and being critics about unbelievable things (well not All unbelievable things, just the ones they know couldn't happen).  As the movie continued, one of the men noticed that the victim was being shot with a .50 Caliber weapon and barely showing any damage from the gun.

  "I don't care who you are," a rookie stated, "a gun like that could completely separate your arm if you were hit by it."

  "Yeah," said another rookie, "movies are so overrated.  I mean, there should be like only boots left of that guy.  He took two in the chest, one in the head, two in each arm, one in each leg, and one in the groin."

  "Ouch." Jason thought. "Well, I give the rookie's credit; they can pick out some gruesome movies." His thoughts continued to say.  Even though they are right, the high caliber bullet would have completely decimated the victim's body, Hollywood, it seemed, never could get it right.  Popcorn began to be flung at the television, as one of the men put it on pause.

  "What gives?" Someone in the back yelled.

  "Look!" One of the front people pointed to the screen.  Right above the man, in the upward shot of him, you can see not only the microphone, but the man holding it.

  "Must be a B class movie," Jack pondered.  After the gory incident he witnessed that horrible night, these movies never helped his flashbacks, but he was smart enough to focus on something else.  Holding his old school GameboyTM, he began to build his wall.  He wasn't the best player, but it kept him entertained.

  "Wow, only two hours left." Jack said in his mind, glancing up at the clock, it seemed that time began to race by.  Soon he and the men would travel to their destination, whether it would be heaven or hell, he eagerly waited for the moment.

  Meanwhile, in the Captain's office, the G-man and he began to discuss what the situation was going to be like in the building.

  "I'm not at liberty to discuss this Captain.  Should your men be prepared of everything though, I believe the survival rate will be quite high." The Captain still felt uncomfortable with this, not knowing who or what they were facing.

  "How many survivors do You consider a high rate?" The G-man did not expect it, but since he was a blunt man, and felt he had no worries, he could inform the Captain.

  "At least three of the fifteen of us going should make it back safely." Edwards face went beat red.

  "Only three?! This is almost suicide! I will not condemn these men to death!" The Captain, furious with idea of losing his men flipped his desk over.  From the break room, with the movies still on pause, the men could here everything.

  "Captain, I was told your squad will go in," he said, pulling his gun from the side holster by his right arm. Aiming it at the Captain's head, "failure to do so will end in a traitor's death."  With lack of options, the Captain began to calm down slowly, realizing there was no way out of this.  Even if the men did come in and kill this G-man, more would show up.  Hunting all of them down, leaving it to pure suicide to him and his men.

  "Fine," uttered the Captain finally, "we will go into this.  The survival rates of it are better than the alternative... but mark my words.  You had best watch your back after this, or I'll slit your throat while you’re sound asleep, you got me?" The G-man smirked heavily.

  "You wouldn't make it that close to me, but I understand what you mean." The G-man sat down once again, reholstering his weapon.  The Captain picked his desk up and put it back to the way it was as before, still loathing the idea of losing so many people.

  Everyone in the break room became even more nervous than before, with odds so grim, it was if the reaper was sitting next to all of them.  

  Slowly sharpening his scythe, he eyed everyone in the room.  Quenching for blood loss and angel's despair.  The night, it seemed, would be one to remember in horror, and bloodshed.


  11:00 PM, the men divided into their teams.  Already issued their weapons and ammo, they gathered by their team's designated chopper.  One by one they entered the mechanical beasts, flying to their location took a while (considering their HQ is on the outskirts of town, they had a flight ahead of them to get to the other side of the city).  

  The weather was perfect to flight, not a cloud to be seen for miles.  En route to the target area, small chatter was made in Jack's chopper.

  Jack was looking over the city, transfixed on space.  Dazing in and out of reality and fantasy, the usual time of day where he thought about her the most.  Still trying to figure out where he had gone wrong, a tap on his shoulder snapped him back into now.

  "You ok Jack?" said Edward.

  "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess." Looking out into the city, thousands of cars could be seen, cramming up the road.  Looking at the buildings, almost all the lights were either out or extinguishing as they flew by.  Such an odd scenary, to see tall, black fingers of metal, jutting out of what seemed to be the Earth itself.

  Edward knew better than Jack's answer. Still, he didn't want to burden him too much, he needed him thinking clearly. "Still miss her, huh?  It's never easy loosing a loved one, but you know she would wait for you until the end of time.  I know it sounds corny, but you will see her again, just not yet."

  "I know, I just wish it was sooner than later." Jack frowned, the Captain seemed to do more harm than good. But no matter what mood he was in, he always managed to pull through when it came to game time.  The Captain had little worries.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not done, I'm thinking

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