Gray Days

Could desire pass more slowly,

As I lay in wait for destiny to catch me,

Wasting away under the darkness,

Alone again this night of brilliant light,

So cold, wanting what I can't have,

Needing what I don't have,

Slitting my face with this razor,

The hurt of the years fall onto me this night,

But I'm unafraid of death,

I have been alone for eons,

In torment of never waking,

Never knowing what lies beneathe this tomb,

Cowarding from the sun in the shadows,

Blood fills my mouth again,

Burning through my veins as I feed,

Taste of sweet want and need,

Rapturing to myself,

Isolation makes the mind weak and wearie,

My nightmares of death continue,

Yet still wanting release,

To be whole again is a fantasy of lust,

How I worship the fragile beings on this planet,

Never knowing true loneliness,

Life so much simpilar and enjoyable,

Only disease and death can worry the living,

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