Nightly Shadows




In the Darkness, men dispair,

But in the Shadow, We don't care.

The men of Light, they sing and pray.

In the Shadow, words fall away.

And nobody knows what we have done.

No songs of the fights we've won.

Forgotten again,

Left with our sin.

And we think of what we've done.

Where did we go wrong?

It doesn't matter anymore...

Until the end, we'll disappear,

Our whisperings are all you'll hear.

From the Shadow, we'll cast out fear.

United, we are abondoned

Together, we stand alone

We will fight your war, and

Each battle is our own.

10,000 years of sin and slaughter

Still to be atoned.


When light and darkness mix their might,

Shadow will engulf the night.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sorry for not writing for a while, just haven't found the words until now.

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