You look at me like I am some kind of toy

you mess with my head and expect me to not explode

why do you write me letters and send me pics

how long is it going to take you to relise you make me sick

your not understanding I don't want to see you

I don't want to write you

I never ever want to see you come by here again

so you stalk me I don't like you

when is this childish behavior going to end

as I lay in bed you watch me

as I take a shower you watch me

as I eat my breakfast you watch me

Why won't you just stop looking at me

what so great about me that makes you wanna look at me

how long until You move on and just let me be

closer and closer I get to pulling the plug

seems when your around I feel like crap and see no love

better back off before I snap you know I am capable of that

you stalk me and try to make my life miserable

this is no game you are not invisable

I can see your every move

Knock it off you you lost

back down and let me be free

I sleep I dream and your not there

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Stalker Personal

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