The Aura by Elisa Vazquez and Gabriel Melendez

In one of the many past worlds before ours, the tenacious God Kol and the graceful Goddess Thea, decided once again to try and create a new world and within this world, the biggest of blessings could be found at the center of the universe. The animals were said to be made perfect, and according to Goddess Thea , they would peacefully and generously interact amongst them. However, God Kol seemed to believe that was impossible, he thought it is in the nature of living things to aspire to be bigger, greater and better than the others. God Kol, trying to prove his point (one that he still proves today), with a snap of a finger, created oceans and rivers, mountains and valleys, and every detail of specially designed animals that began to roam the Earth.

It wasn’t long before this animals grew, expanded, and adapted to all settings and environments. They relied on each other and were treated equally and harmoniously. Nevertheless, soon enough they heard about the center of the universe, or as some call it, The Aura.

So all the greedy and power-ambitious animals set off to The Aura to be the ones deserving all they have ever hoped to deserve. In the deepest of oceans swam the sharks fiercely, hoping their triumph would give them all fish they wished to eat. On thickened soil ran the lions once again trying to make their roars the loudest in the crowd. On blue-lagooned skies the hawks guided their way, spreading their wings as fast as they could, to gain whatever advantage would help. And so all species did the same, they spent entire nights and days on their journey. By the end of that same month, they ended up losing almost all of their members to starvation and fatigue.

“Is is really worth it?” exclaimed the bear, “all of this just to wear a crown?”

“Of course it is, you fool, we could have everything we ever wanted!” shouted back his greasley companion.

The day came when the remaining animals were close to their finish line. With competitive minds and eyes on the price, violent outrages started to revolve one another. Killing each other was the only way they could assure victory, so they proceeded with doing so. And so on went the killings and the starvings and the fatigues until the only species left in the battlefields were the relentless cheetahs.

“We made it! We will have all the blessings and power we wish to have!” said Stella, head of the cheetah tribe.

“Now what?” exclaimed Argo, the cheetah with finest battling skills.

“I suppose we shall enter The Aura.”


And so they did, and all they saw was complete and utter darkness.

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