Painfull shame.

My heart is full of painfull shame.
Shame that is my life, and my name.

The pain that iv gone through, the pain that im in.
Is all in my heart, and it show's where iv been.

The scrapes and cut's that bleed, are the new one's to me.
Still needing to be stiched up tightly.
The Scar's are fadeing, new and old, but no matter how long,
they will not go.

They will not disapear, or go away.
The scar's from the pain, my shame,
forever will stay.

The scar's that cover the surface of my heart,
show the pain that im in, and show where iv been.

The scar's will only go away, when my heart
dies inside my body and disinagrates and the
ash's get blown away.

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