2 cultures hands

inhabitants of authority,

exploration and ascend of terrain .

is what they beloved,

seafaring boats from the old continent,

various man in hunt for economic wealth,

finding a land

which they thought

was by no means there,

numerous in the journey died of sickness,

others of starvation,

rewarded as they finger the sacred land,

taxing there great suits,

finicky shinny underpants,

chest sheltered with white bronze,

outing there horses,

some gaze them as gods,

they stand subsequently

to a new culture of natives,

as they offered them their hand,

greed, power, conquistadors, our name……..

Natives prepared to make their life,

viewing the moon and sun

as their gods,

lack of tools or inventions

to succeed in life,

nevertheless their sculptures,

buildings where in manse and impressive,

hunt to eat, spear and bows,

killing not for hate or power

but to live,

medicine man heeling

with plants and words to creators,

animals decorating their home,

giving them their fashionable design for cloths,

with their hands they touch mother earth,

thanking her for giving them their resources,

not knowing about greed or power,

they saw new man on the horizon,

the meeting is called,

they gather corn, beans,

and food to welcome their new gods,

with their best cloths,

buffalo coverings,

aerial feathers on their heads,

with a great smile offered their hand,

poverty, humility,

care, honest, fight full,

our heritage………

Two cultures face to face are set,

Aztec family offering their hand,

food offered and their welcomed hand,

great big silver object into motion,

as it touches flesh,

the outcome is a red stained marks,

the hand was not offered

from the new explores

but the weapon and mark

of friendship in their chest


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