Mask Flag

The land of the freedom and justice,

self expressed nation, all do to innocent blood,

is only a mask in the bottom of all that, you look close,

the stars begin to fade away,

a eagle appears taking his meal,

the banners fade into this sections,

the air and value makes the side green,

the purity of our fighting people makes the white,

the blood that is shed in the nation makes the red,

so if you take the mask off,

you have the great Mexican flag,

we fight for freedom, no one gives us shit,

we dont even have freedom papers in our hand,

justice no we dont have,

why they celebrate,

if they go to the graves only Mexican or Hispanic last names, in the land our blood is spilled,

we have no freedom, we have no justice,

but we have pride and our blood shines so much,

we get our freedom, we make our justice,

we will conquer this land once again,

aztlan should rise again

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