
Like they say

is easy to cure the rage,

easy as 1, 2, 3,

dont need to be smart

just have to bleed,

when you feel the rage,

a volcano ready to erupt,

when your thoughts all scattered all about,

when you dont know if 1+1=2

your mind out of it so confused,

when you feel your heart breaking down,

some one tearing about,

you tend to think fuck yeah an easy way out,

ready here it goes

you grip the solid blue steal,

be careful cant be hot or you cant hold it still,

you place it flesh to flesh

with the enemy your thoughts,

then the last step pull,

boom, easy as that,

you fall to the ground

your life is free you sail about,

where you end up no one knows,

but your thoughts will be blown,

easy way out of life,

soldiers we strong In mind,

if you really raza you fight your way out,

will take the pain,

will tear the flesh

but wont pull your life away,

wont say I got the easy way out,

but I stood chest to chest and I fought my way,

is easy as 1, 2, 3

as you can see

but I am raza so the easy way out is not for me,

cause I am happy and I must live

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