Covered beauty

I love to see the beauty of life,

my spirit lifts new heights

when I see nature in front my eyes,

I believe  cant touch mother soil as I dream,

so after all this

why is society deny me of this,

beauty is been covered up,

thats the new style they say,

look at your beautiful soft flesh mimics a roses pedal,

why covered it up

with powder and hiding the sweet wonder beauty

the image of your face expresses as you begin to walk,

look at those sweet strawberry lips,

the ones make me want to take a bite

taste the sweet juice they obtain,

why cover them up with a material

denying ventilation to come through,

look at those eyes so bright

so great yet a blanket on top you put

brightness begins to deem down and decent,

like in history

this mind has express

the beauty of a women comes naturally,

why do this and that if you are perfect how you are,

dont listen to society

if you a lady then youre the most beautiful person alive

keep this in mind,

dont tend to change your life

cause they say your this or that,

I love and respect all women,

they are important for humanity

cause without them there wont be no life,

I love beauty so please dont hide it,

women are beautiful they are so great,

so instead of covering your beauty, wash the mask,

and let the breeze hit the fresh natural flesh,

so this writer can still speak of love

and keep on writing again and again

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