My Reincarnation

What I would want to become

when my time will come,

reincarnation is said to be a reality,

so I would think

what I should become

when my new home will be the after life,

it has to be something great something important,

something that I will not get tired of becoming,

I would like to be

something that will touch your soft skin,

something that will run through your body,

will rush from your forehead into your air,

so soft across your neck,

so softly touch your breast,

then slowly would reach your hips

and later end with your toes,

I know what to become I will be air,

I also want to be there when you sleep,

opening your door watching the beauty of a lady

laying in bed,

watching you over

when does beautiful eyes are asleep

so I can protect you when you sleep,

when you dream,

I know what I want to become,

I will be the moon,

I want to protect you night and day,

day and night,

something to always be there right by your site,

look over you,

I know what I will be I want to be the sky,

I dont want just to see you and watch over you,

I want to be with you and touch you

hold you hug you kiss you,

I know what I want to be in my reincarnation,

I want to be your guardian angel

in the day of my reincarnation.

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