Land of the lost,

Land of the crying souls,

Land where becoming a priest is a thing of the past,

Life with no purpose to live,

Life where you need more than protection,

Life where there is nothing to pray upon,

Land which god created and now has forgotten,

Levels of rage and waste build up,

Land where only predators survive,

Lamp or a simple sheep cant survive,

Life not use to be what it was,

Lost city fading from the map,

Angels a thing of the past,

Always fighting for no cause,

All the angels have torn there wings,

All the angels have stayed and pray,

Always telling our why,

As it is we are simply sinful souls,

A land where you thing there is no life,

Always keeping it tight,

A land we called home,

A land I wont change for the world,

Always living in the edge,

An every time we come up,

All are one even thought we create war,

As you might have seen the lines started with capital Ls then changed to As.

Aces are we in the land we stay today,

All represent the two letters as u combined them together,

LA is the place I live and so proudly say today,

Looking at the heavens we pray for our lord to remember this land,

Always hoping for his hand to touch and bless this place again, but till then I am glad we created the city LA this place we are surviving everyday!!

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