Mirage light

The words on paper washed away

with the tears from my soul,

I was so blinded with that great bright light,

but I finally realized

the sun was not shinning at me,

the sun was not even there,

in total darkness I walk,

a small little whole

about 1 inch in diameter was open,

the only light I have,

cause Jesus hand is the only one there!

But with that little light that appears from about

and all the tears they fell created daylight

do to the reflection of the small light,

all the tears falling form my soul

created a bright day light in the dark cold room,

in the end it has to come out,

you have to realized

what is life, pain, tears, loneliness, thoughts, wishes,

all of this things,

some see the great beautiful light

which is actually there, no illusions,

they see the sun,

bright illuminating there joyful faces,

and they just stare

at the people smiling there in a dark place,

thinking they have all

but actually they dont have shit, mirage,

but it keeps them alive, so say it or not,

they only think,

should I tell him and make him weep,

or should I let him only dream,

darkness, darkness,

I need you to hold my hand so I can be true,

pain and tears seems all I have,

smiles and happiness only thoughts,

so I dont care

if you tell me the light was not there,

pain always there,

tears in my eyes,

what else to do,

just to wipe the wounds

even though they always would be there,

and bring the custom that I had put away

and hope I will never had to wear it,

but thats me the happy person with my custom on,

then a lost weeping soul,

been punish day by day by life,

when I have it off

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