Love is blind or is It alright,

I sit in a cubic form,

dark as a night with no moon,

cubic room with no walls,

exposed to the streets,

I am facing, I am alone,

shivering and trembling,

as I listen to a harmful and lovely song,

I remember great days we spend together,

I flew as high as a white feather,

my eyes felt a stream of water pouring down,

my mind shouted please stop! Please stop!,

my heart reviewed,

I have to move on and forget about you,

the nights we spend together,

cubic room becoming smaller as I remember,

nights with no moon,

face to face with a cold and windy breeze,

I sit and wait, my heart is burning,

wounded and beat, bleeding,

I could feel my organs inside,

2 months have passed, so now never mind.

I see the sun going into rest with my glittering eyes,

my heart is in rest, it was given new life,

like and egg in a nest, ready to be born,

my heart is feeling,

do I remember you in the cubic room F no!!!

I forgot who you were or what we use to do,

I forgot about you but still my heart is stuck to you,

I cant help it,

it wont come off,

but dont worry I am still forgetting,

still sitting in this cube,

I am thinking of a new dream,

but still what ever you do,

in a call, ill come to you,

but for this moment get out of m y mind,

for now I am feeling fine,

I stood up no more cubic forms around,

out to the wind I am,

I missed this lovely sunshine.

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