At Least I Thought

Still wondering where I was

as the eyeballs glance in surprise,

bright light

makes me want to keep

the rest in motion,

white all around,

I think I even see clouds

forming in different shapes,

I see an angel in front of my face,

and can this be


The place where I wish,

see the angels in motion around,

calling out!

The man please come and give him life,

I finally get to see my lord

beg him for what I did in this world,

I smell the blood,

I smell death

breathing right beside my bed,

I see nothing but white,

man I can believe this

but in heaven I am at,

isnt that a surprise

a man with another peoples bloods

in his hands

being admitted to the pearly gates,

freaky sound wave close to my ears,

slap in the face

who you think you are

to say those theories,

you not even close to heaven,

that bright light

is a light bulb straight to your face,

those clouds forming

is just cause you barely wake,

that angel is your love,

and the others in motion

just nurses trying to save your life,

that man who wants to save your life

is not god

is a doctor trying to do his dues

and save your life,

oh! once again tricked into the world,

but at least I thought

I made it once to the heavens gates


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