A Trolling Review Of A Grow Your Own Jesus Toy

Grow Your Own Jesus (Toy)

This is disgusting. Everywhere we look there are perverts breaking ill wind while planting and climbing the trees to hurl their rainbow shaped perversions down upon the world. They make out with each other in protest marches all over elementary school textbooks and and all that we as a society can devote our energies to is manufacturing things like this?! You can not grow your own JESUS! JESUS CHRIST is not a plant! HE does not have roots or branches spreading up to the HEAVEN place to harvest sunlight! The only thing JESUS CHRIST harvests is splinters from the cross, GOD's love for all CHRISTIAN MEN and GOD'S scorn for everyone else, especially all those who do not follow the HOLY BIBLE like all the people I mentioned planting all the trees! JESUS CHRIST is not a Chia plant. HIS beard does not grow according to your whim! Further, JESUS CHRIST is not some inflatable that you can blow up so as to stick little children inside of to bounce up and down around in! You simply can not grow your own JESUS CHRIST and then expect to be SAVED! Amen.

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