The Informations

Oedipus Hex


Open the bottom of the door and my heart, my hands,
my fingers are cock cry Jane dirty.


Non-discrimination statement.


Great today in the morning, on the aircraft,

then inclined to earthquake finger in his mouth.


I do not have a lot of evil, unlike the Home Office.


On the fingers, a lead-based paint.


I once saw that movie. And the pain. Not.


Expansion. From brain conundrum to the musk of
her vagina, which can lead to:


Fire and art porn. It is yours for the whole. (He said.)


(A masochist), that is and is not confused. Translation


As expected, such is spirit and language. Onto the
genial area.


Once more, for information. In a few days you can
use the cool air. Snow.


When he came to me I am


The facility. The burning building existing, interactive,
fantasy petting. Through the body scanner ...


Never wash my face, neither for love nor world health.
See : People who lose their eyes.


I work till (input) cash, and,


I hope. And information. Once more for information.
My eyes, returned to their


whereabouts, I will now eat my head. You know, my kinky

bitch licks her milk off my body. Information evening,


Good evening. Recognize me, my friends so
gregarious? They are. In the meanwhile


Malta. Make it a penis. Given in my life dreams that
can readily be said


Words. Cock wedge facefucked and beneath. One is
a dream to create heat, one to create whips. And
then touch.


Too cruel to wash my eyes. Ask at any time for more
information. Use the lemon juice






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