In Motion

slowly the healing process begins,

my frowns are now turning into friendly grins,

but at night i still stroll down memory lane,

i still stare at the pictures,

still read the e-mails,

still want to call,

sometimes i fall down to my knees,

because the pain can be crippling,

remembering everything i've said to you,

the things we used to do,

remembering the looks you would make,

the drives we would take,

the jokes we would make about each other,

just being together,

these memories keep me from hating you,

they keep that love there for you,

even though i will never trust myself again with you,

i still feel for you,

my heart still bleeds for you,

sometimes tears fall for you,

cause i want no one to hurt you,

and i can't stop it from happening,

cause you've broken the tie that we had,

you gave me back my heart,

an all new me,

i have to start,

i paid the cost,

i lost,

but now i move on,

seeing everything i did wrong,

not only against you,

but the harm i've done myself too,

my life is now in motion,

i have to notion the fact that,

all i have now are thoughts and dreams,

of how i wanted and how i want my life to be,

now that there is,

and will probably never be again,

you and me......................(you did this)...............

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