Re-Opening The Wound

once again it starts,

tearing a hole in my heart,

like a scab it began to heal,but my memories slowly picked away at it,

reopening the wound,

a wound so deep that it might never heal,

it sucks how love can make you feel,

it sucks because  the love i,the love i have for you is so real,

i don't know how to deal,

i need a shoulder to cry on,

seriously i wish again,somebody murder me and throw me in a ditch,

murder me and take me away from all this,

all this pain ,and betrail that i feel,

who is here to catch my tears,

who is here to protect me from my fears,

i wish it was you,

yet you've push me away from you,

the chose was made much to my dismay,

i swear i died,

and for the past four days just the thought of you makes me cry,

i'm an empty shell,

looking for something to fill that void,

and your it,

yet your gone,

so i sit feeling lower than shit,

the life sucked out of me,

damn is this it,

i loved you,

i love you,

i don't say it just as words,i say  it because i mean it,

no one will ever love you as i do,

no one will ever cherish you the way i do,

as  i write this i feel like a fool,

cause no matter what i do or say,he now has a hold of you,

and all i could do is let go of you,

so all i'll do is lose you,miss you, cry for you,love you,

silently i keep these feeling in,

and walk  around with an empty grin,

my head hurts from the force of my crying,

cause i replay each word over and inside slowly i'm dying,

i once shed tears of joy,cause you were my girl and i was your boy,

but now i feel like an old toy,

tossed a side because you've found something new,

i love you,and you loved me to,

but my soul is  hurt,cause now your gone........please come back to


but if not someone murder me and throw me in a ditch,

cause i feel my life  is threw,cause i no longer have you ,

but i..........i love you.......i love you so,,,,,,why  did you go,

i need you, really i do ....why is this happening to me,

i would never hurt you, but you hurt me, and i can't hate  for that, cause

i love you so much,

what the fuck do i do, now that i've lost you,

well i have to decide because i have actually lost you,

but i still love you..... and i just pray that you will miss  and love me

as much as i miss and love you,

this is my plee.....please come back to me.... i love you ,

but do you still love me,and only me,cause i know for a fact that it's you

and only you that i love.....


earl duffy

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