

You're laying there thinking,
This is the end.
There's nothing you can do,
She's gone.

I wasn't her fault,
They took her life.
They tried everything they could,
But nothing worked.

She had a desease,
That she couldn't control.
There was more to her,
Then people will ever know.
They'll never get a chance to see,
How she could really be.

She was a very good friend,
She siad sher would always be there for you,
All the way till the end,
But then this happened,
Now she is gone.

You want to end you life too,
But then you think again.
If you're gone,
You can't pass along her loving trend.

You want the world to know,
She was never meant to go.
She was loved ny so many,
Now you shed tear sof sorrow.

You hope you see her again,
Praying it's as soon as tomorrow.
You love her and will never forget,
She brought happiness to this world,
Never any regrets.

You wish people could know her story,
But it's to late now.
All you can do is say,
You'll do your best to keep her memory going.
She will always be remembered.
She will always be loved.

In loving memory,

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