baby blue boy

Run Rabbit

Sweat running off his body, he's hotter than hell
The crowd all gets quiet there waiting to yell
He hears voices in the back ground
"you got this" "get the rebound"
Their all starring him down their all ready now
They all know he's got this "it's crazy" "it's wow"
Just this one shot and we've got it all big
The coach is so calm as he takes another swig
Knowing they got it they've won it all
He's so relaxed when they throw him the ball
His crystal blue eyes glisten in the light
Sweat running off his face like tears in the night
He positions himself and he's ready to go
The crowd tenses up as they all think they know
The other team freezes bites their lip cuz they know he's the star
His hands with a grip, he jumps in the air, the balls going so far
Everyone stops and the time it slows down
The whole world is watching no one's looking around
All those eyes watching that one single thing
The balls moving forward almost there then "ding"
The ball hits the rim not once but twice
All those bets are now down to this price
The light shines off the ball
As the ball starts to fall........but wait.....
The whole world stops in an "awe"
"no" "no" "no this just can't be" as hopes fall
It falls hits the ground and everyone stares
While the opposite team is putting off flares
People cheer people scream while others are mad
They all thought he had it damn it's so sad
People are pissed their all cussing him out
This blue eyed boy has now put out doubt
People run out the door happy as hell
Others storm out the door yelling out "swell"
While the crowd all walk out putting him down
He doesn't care he's shouting around
He stands stands in position then says "fuck it I'm done"
He turns around and sees only one
Outta the crowd ones still left standing
Still left In shock from this misunderstanding
Broken and crushed a tear falls from her face
She's standing still she stays in one place
He looks up and says "fuck it" he doesn't care
While she's breaking down because she just can't bare
He acts like these things are nothing at all
He keeps moving on like there was no brick wall
But she can see it, so she takes the pain
Dying inside she's flooded by rain
He looks at her still knowing she's sad
But he does care he goes back to his dad
Leaves his high fame glory and rich
Back to the same bitch after bitch
But when he walked out that door
She couldn't hold back she falls the the floor
Bursting in pain he didn't just lose the game
He lost so much more, more than he knew
But he doesn't care he has no clue
This girl is broke down cuz she cares so much
She's falling apart she can't get a clutch
While he's thinking things out still mad as hell
She's bunched in a ball she's dying to yell
The tears like the rain just right outside
Are falling like crazy she can't help but to hide
She feels  she has just lost a bet
This blue eyed boy doesn't care and yet
Its not her life, what he lost is not hers
But she feels his pain like sliced by sharp spurs
she feels that pain, the pain that he hides
"It's nothing" "who cares" that's what he decides
But he should care he, should cry, it should matter to him
Because he's worth way much more than any of them
So when he goes home she'll follow him back
Because sooner or later she see him crack
Weather in anger and does something wrong
Or breaks down in tears because he can't stay strong
She wants to be there to show him what he's worth
She wants him to care, but be happy, no hurt
She'll tell him then what he's all worth
Telling him he's the only one on this earth
She'll tell this bright beautiful baby blue eyes
No matter what happens you have to realize
Your perfect for me you've done nothing wrong
I'll love you forever so smile, be strong

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just thinking about how bad it hurts me when he messes up....

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