2004-08-02 You are So Kind

Book: Castle View

You were being kind
You did it by design
A noble cause
A string unwound
From around my heart


You said it had to be so
You said you had to go
Priorities of life
A stressful strife
From out of your heart


Just tell me the truth
You want to let loose
Undo the desire
Put out the fire
From in your heart


You like living alone
Needed to be at home
Make your own choices
Listen only to one voice
In your heart


You should have told me
You wanted to be one
And not the sum.
Why didn't I see
With my heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From Get Married Soon Lesson One:"For some men, single life just is better-and nothing will sway them.  They may like women, they just don't need them.  Move one.  You can't cahnge this type of man. A man must feel he is "getting " something by marrying you-a feeling, a reward, a purpose, comforts, thrills, whatever."

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