2003-02-13 The Albatross Houses

Book: Castle View

Love is such a different animal
when there is no longing for babies
and hopes of houses
and eternal togetherness.
Eternity is closer,
the babies are grown,
and houses are albatrosses and memory curators.

A rubbing of skin we now become

A flush of love in a sweaty embrace
What needs you of me
What needs me of you?
The seperate lives we lead
Intersecting and bisecting
The crossroads and telephones.


Can we build a new life
A phoenix story
Of rebirth from the ashes
When our embers have yet to cool.
Old lives disturb the new
The new an uncomfortable fit
A sweater with no holes.


Love has a different feel.
When dream replacements
Are singluar in nature.
The albatross houses
Become means of escape
And the plans for tomorrow
Are written in ink.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes I feel like a temporary fixture in this mid-life love affaier.  That which we dream in our youth as couples are replaced by plans (retirement plans) without a spouse.  And one wonders if there is room for admendments if the plans are written in ink.

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