Racing a Seagull Far from Home

Racing a Seagull far from Home Version 2

Racing a seagull far from home

Traveling on a road I’ve travelled before,

I'm following so close as to see the vanes

Attached to the rachis of the sea bird’s tail.

Foraging far from the edge of his world

He's caught in a traffic current

Unfamiliar to him, culling for help,

When a blast of wind and a dip of his shoulder,

Shoots him to the safety

Of the un-car-ed parking lot.


My heart races in fear, watching

Through a windshield smeared, with

Creatures not fast enough.

Fearing a meeting of demise,

I am relieved then, to see

Him safely away, yet

Missing his company, and

The thrill of his flight.


I can no longer watch,

No longer see,

Traveling on quickly myself,

Far from safe, far from secure

Foraging myself, scratching at nothing,

A hard concrete field of relationships

Stretches out before me,

Hurt souls and misplaced words,

Lonely like the seagull,

Racing far from home.


Racing a Seagull Far from Home

Racing a seagull far from home

Traveling a road I’ve travelled before,

Following so close as to see the vanes

Attached to the rachis on the sea bird’s tail.

Foraging far from the edge of his world,

He's caught in a traffic current

Unknown to him, culling for help,

When a blast of wind and a dip of his shoulder,

Shoots him to the safety

Of the un-carred parking lot.


My heart races in fear, watching

Through a windshield smeared,

Fearing a meeting of demise,

Relieved to see

Him safely away,

Yet missing his company

And the thrill of his flight.


I can no longer watch,

Traveling on quickly myself,

Far from safe

Far from secure

Foraging myself, scratching at nothing,

A hard concrete field of relationships

Stretches out before me,

Hurt souls and misplaced words,

Lonely like the seagull,

Racing far from home.

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