Tap Yard July 19 You aren't worth and Orchid Dust

You aren't worth it


Tilted umbrellas along a line of picnic tables. 


Each word that comes from my mind,

Is a line you, or me, or he said

Under covers, breathing each other's air,

As my genitalia throbbed to be next to the

he or me or we 

That said the words that I hear,

Staring alone along that line of tilted umbrellas. 


Sigh deep to keep the fluids in,

My eyes leak, my thighs ooze, slick, my pipes, literally at my house, seep. 

It’s a sieve, in my life right now,

Draining soul and sustenance from sinks, drains, showers, and

from between my thighs, out of my eyes, out of a burnt heart-


To burn the freakin' tilt out of those umbrellas. 


Orchid Dust

It slipped to the bricks,

A flight

From a window

Open at


The orchid, given to

Polish the feelings

Rasped by an unpolished man.

A tick of the finger nail 

A click on clay pot 

Sent it to its two storied 


Swept up with no trace

By the dawn patrol

Of street cleaners with brooms

Swept into dustbins 

Or maybe even rescued 

With no clue to its retinue 

Of accommodating women

Silenced with a wink, a gift, 

A threat that cooperation 

Was much more prized than their worth

So its satisfying crash

Echoed in brick alleys

Soothed more than the trinkets  

Bestowed as gags.  

The beautiful orchid 

More cherished dead 

Now, than it was alive.

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