Heron Clan March 26, 2023 stalks at home two handed kiss off gems and dregs

She stalks him at his home,

She follows his trail

And fornicates in his garden

Of bergamot and orpiment.

With her fantasies and powders. 

Arsenic rings in terraced pots, 

Circinate the armaments of her war. 


He called her unworthy,

Unworthy of his love.

She would show him her worth

As she pleasures herself 

Bestowing her seed

On propagating stigma. 


She would never again be subordinate

To his wishes, copulating in corners

And secret places,

While he lives in the walled garden

With a life and termagant wife.


She poisons the berries 

And smiles in her terror,

As she corposants her peak

Ionizing her lover's deceit.

Gems and Dregs


It is a windy landscape I stand on
Wrapped in a shawl against the cold.
I stand there as a beacon
To every gem and dreg 
That walks the earth.
Every shiny or dull thing
Is pulled to my light
Regardless of my desire
For them...
I am out here
In the cold, baby.

By you, to fend for myself


Against the grasping hands 
Or tipped hats
Of every male that cares to notice.
Yet I stand and wave my arms
Trying to catch the right one
As it flutters, flings, or sails by.
I am miserable in the cold, baby.
Hungry and crying


Two Handed Kiss Off 


Two handed kiss


Someone I won't miss


Fingertips to lips 

A flick 

Bye bye

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