Clients of Verse

It’s funny how all your clients are now


Or so you say to me, in prominent pronouns

Of he,

When you boast about your work.

But I hope you  find that rich


Among the pages of your toil.



You don't hold back telling

The conversation with the merry


Of a missed dinner

In a distant state,

Forced grounded 

by whims of fate.

The one I asked

Too many questions about

And your, oh we don’t talk of that.


The latest clients of wealth

You're not a gigolo, but a gigolo of


You help them see 

Their inner dream,

As art's extension.

Art as an extension of

a dream

Someone put to words

What I've already seen

Spoke of, and

Nuanced, to your

Deaf ears.


I blame you for the spilled tea

in my teaspoon drawer,

The mis-bite of my biscuit,

Gnashing teeth on forks,

The sleepless nights

of crawling bug,

Because I am thinking of you.


The dream of bugs

Seated in my forearm

Like rings in a velvet jewelry


I pull them out bloodless

One by one

From folds of skin

Like treasures

Crawling through slits of skin

Neatly stored

And I crush them

Thinking I have them all


Until you tell me

Yea, we would have been

Having dinner together

She and I, the rich divorcee

Right now, as I sit in his


Her and I, he says,

She said, he says

I know don’t rub it in

I know, I say

Don’t rub it in



I am jabbing internal

with my inner knife

To bring it to the fore

To cut myself in a way

without piercing

With a blade.

I blame you for everything

Yet beat myself up 


I blame you for everything

Yet beat me up 



It’s funny you now say he

As in all your clients are



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