For Darlie

Bye…bye…Little girl

Bye for now, enjoy your world

Time has come for me to move on

Don’t cry for uncle he’s not really gone

Of course I’ll miss you, you know I will

Though I’m not around I will love you still

Come on my princess, show me a grin

The biggest one ever, make me tingle within

Don’t worry my love, it will be okay

I promise to be around every single day

The first day of school and at every graduation

And on your wedding day, I’ll be cheering congratulation

Hey, hey…I will be just find

Someone needed me, maybe it was grandpa Dime

Sorry sweetheart I really, really must go

Remember I love you, that’s all you need to know

And someday we will see each other again

So be happy for me, this is not the end

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